Saturday, June 1, 2013

Globe trotting girls

Last Friday, our family headed for Entebbe.  Our girls and I had been packing for days to prepare for this day.  They had the amazing opportunity to fly to Europe to meet their grandma and cousin for a three week incredible trip around Europe.  We spent hours in their room laughing and preparing for the trip.  So on Friday, we ate at a favorite pizza place next to Lake Victoria and then took our sweet, excited girls to the Airport.

We haven't heard from them except to hear that the dermatologist appointment for Caralina went well (yep, we were able to arrange a 6 month check-up regarding her melanoma).  They did take one spot off and replaced it with 4 stitches.  The doctor wasn't too concerned but felt like with the history and our remote location, it would be best to take it off.  So besides hearing from them that one day, we have been following them by looking at their schedule hanging on the refrigerator.  I am sure they will have lots of stories to tell. 

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