Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas Crackers

I decided to get Christmas Crackers this year for the first time for my American kids and the two single ladies next door.  I knew our British neighbor could enlighten us on Christmas Crackers; what I didn't realize was how excited she would be to introduce this tradition.
Preparing to pull the crackers open.  Unfortunately, some didn't even pop!
Katie in her plastic crown and putting on her sheriff badge that was in her cracker

Everyone else a little slower in figuring out this cracker thing and getting their things

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Lina's 15th!

Caralina's birthday always seems to end the holiday festivities in our household as it is on the 2nd of January.  This year was no different.  In the evening of New Year's Day, our family took her out for pizza at Surjios and met some friends there.   The next evening we had the teen girls at GSF over for dinner.  We tried taking some pictures; most were quite goofy but it still shows what beautiful teen girls we have!  We ended the night as we do many times by looking at old pictures of all of them.  Thankful for my teen girl and her friends!

Megan, Teddy, Joy and Ritah in the back row and Jenny, Caralina and Rebecca in front
So now the holiday partying is over and back to the "real world."  And as always after a great holiday time, routine is grand change of pace. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Other side of the world but close to our hearts!

There's a Bible Study group in Tallahassee, FL, USA. . . (Mark's mom's Bible Study)

Who pray for a Bible Study group in Buundo, Buikwe District, Uganda, (the house moms and helpers at GSF)

They wanted to show the group in Uganda in a tangible way that they love and pray for them. 

They took these beautiful scarves and put their hand prints on them.  They then rolled them and but a big ribbon around each one (notice the ribbon's on the ladies heads--quite resourceful!).  They also made a note for each one with pictures of the process of putting the hand prints on the scarves.  The mothers loved them!

Thank you, Tallahassee Ladies' Bible Study!